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Approval: This policy has been approved by the Studio's management team and is effective from the date of approval.

Review Date: 05/09/2024

Signature: [Kelly White]

Date: 05/09/23

The Studio commits to implementing and complying with the following NSW Child Safe Standards:

1. Leadership Commitment to Child Safety:

The Studio's management and leadership team will demonstrate a clear commitment to child safety and promote a culture where child safety is a priority.

2. Developing a Child Safe Culture:

The Studio will foster an environment where children feel safe, respected, and valued.

We will keep up to date regarding child safety principles and procedures.

We will promote open communication and encourage children and adults to raise concerns about child safety.

3. Empowering Children and Young People:

The Studio will actively engage with children and young people to seek their input and feedback on our programs and activities. We will ensure children understand their rights and the importance of reporting any concerns.

4. Improving Recruitment and Screening Practices:

When necessary, the Studio will implement robust recruitment processes that include thorough background checks, reference checks, and screening of all employees and volunteers who work with children.

5. Providing Training and Education:

Currently all employees hold a WWCC.

When necessary, all employees, volunteers, and contractors working with children will receive appropriate training on child safety. We will provide ongoing education to our staff on recognising and responding to signs of child abuse.

6. Ensuring a Child Safe Environment:

The Studio will maintain a safe and secure physical environment, including adequate supervision during classes and events.

7. Reporting and Responding to Child Abuse:

The Studio will comply with all legal obligations to report child abuse to relevant authorities.

8. Compliance with Child Safe Standards:

The Studio will regularly review and assess our compliance with the NSW Child Safe Standards and make improvements as needed.

Monitoring and Review: This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its effectiveness in promoting child safety. Any breaches of this policy will be dealt with in accordance with applicable NSW laws.

Implementation: All employees, volunteers, and contractors are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and adhering to this policy.

Child Safe Standards

Child: A person under the age of 18 years.

Child Safe: Creating an environment that ensures the safety, well-being, and rights of children are respected and protected.

Child Abuse: Any act or failure to act that results in harm, potential harm, or threat of harm to a child's physical, emotional, or developmental well-being.


This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, contractors, and anyone involved in activities related to Lake House Clay and Art Studio that may involve children. It applies to children under the age of 18 years who engage with the Studio's programs, workshops, or events.


Lake House Clay and Art Studio (referred to as "the Studio") is committed to creating and maintaining a child-safe environment. We prioritize the safety and well-being of all children who participate in our creative programs and activities. This policy outlines our commitment to complying with the New South Wales (NSW) Child Safe Standards and sets out the measures we have in place to protect children from harm.

Policy Statement

Child Safety Policy

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